A natural healing art based on the reflex areas on the corresponding parts of the body and major organs. By applying pressure to these specific areas on each foot it stimulates and improves your body's organs and systems. Reflexology has many beneficial and lasting effects. Some treatments are gentle in nature, aiming to restore systems for better function while others are more specific, addressing your particular conditions. This treatment can help with the relief of sinus pain, menopausal symptoms, migraines, pre-menstrual syndrome and other menstrual irregularities, constipation, diarrhoea, sciatica, asthma, back pain, neck pain and shoulder pain.
Book now through the "Make a Booking" link, or contact us with any of your questions regarding booking in a stress and tension relief massage, remedial massage, sports injury massage, deep tissue massage, or reflexology session with a professional, qualified, and highly recommended massage therapist in Peregian Springs.